Natasha Mayet

June 2010: Masters (Economics), University of Cape Town
May 2007: Bachelor of Science (Economics and French), Bates College, USA.
2009 – Current: Researcher, Development Policy Research Unit, University of Cape Town
1. Labour Demand Trends, Inequality and Social Protection in South Africa. An Overview. In: Aligning economic and social goals in emerging economies. 2013. Academic Foundation. Chapter 5, page 121-158 (Co-authored with Bhorat, H., and Van Der Westhuizen C.)
2. A Nation in search of jobs: Challenges in Employment creation in the South African labour market and policy suggestions. In: State of the Nation South Africa 2012-2013. HSRC Press 2013 (Co-authored with Bhorat, H..) Chapter 9, pp. 273-300
3. Student Graduation, Labour Market Destinations and Employment Earnings. In: Letseka M, Cosser M, Breier M & Visser, M. Student Retention & Graduate Destination: Higher Education & Labour Market Access & Success. Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press, 2010, pp. 97-123 (Co-authored with Bhorat H. & Visser, M.
1. “A Note on Measuring the Depth of Minimum Wage Violation”. Labour. Volume 27, Issue 2, pages 192–197, April 2013. (Co-authored with Bhorat, H. and Kanbur, R.)
2. “A Note on Measuring the Depth of Minimum Wage Violation”, Cornell University Working Paper. Forthcoming 2013 in Labour: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations. (Co-authored with Bhorat, H. and Kanbur, R.) Available from:
3. The Impact of Sectoral Minimum Wage Laws on Employment, Wages, and Hours of Work in South Africa. IZA Journal of Labor and Development, 2(1) January 2013. (Co-authored with Bhorat, H. and Kanbur, R.) Available from
Labour Economics, Minimum Wage Enforcement